Thermal Imaging Energy Efficiency
Log Homes
Log Home Thermal Imaging

Are you concerned that your log home or log cabin is not as energy efficient as it should be? Do you feel drafts or wonder where insects are coming in? Most log homes have some amount of drafts, but some homes and cabins are draftier than others. Many issues faced by log home and log cabin owners are only revealed with the use of professional infrared thermal imaging cameras. We know the drafts are coming from somewhere where there is insufficient insulation or there are gaps but it can be difficult to pin down because there is not always an obvious entry point. Doors and windows are often the obvious candidates for energy loss and unless you have the latest insulation technology built into them, you are forced to cover them with plastic or lay towels or other creative means to stop the drafts. A log home energy audit can detect problem areas so that they can be repaired.

A log home energy audit will help to discover things like settling, shifting, gaps, checking and age that have effects on your log home’s energy efficiency through gaps in the wood. Checking occurs as the logs age and dry out over time. Infrared imaging is able to diagnose checking to determine which checks go all the way through the log. Log homes breathe, expanding and contracting, with the air temperatures that change seasonally from warm to cold, and back again.

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